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News related to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.

Military Spouse Licensing Act: Latest Updates on SCRA Benefits for Spouses

If you’re part of a military family, you’re likely familiar with SCRA benefits for spouses. But did you know another vital piece of legislation affects active duty service members and their families? The Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act is …

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SCRA Paper Exposes Underused Benefits

A couple of months ago, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a research paper revealing that plenty of Active Duty servicemembers entitled to reduced interest rates under the SCRA were not receiving the benefit from their creditors. The report …

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Towing and Repossession Companies – The Justice Department will come if you take shortcuts!

The U.S. Justice Department filed a lawsuit on March 3, 2023 against a towing operator, alleging that it auctioned off cars without doing adequate verifications under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”) or filed “rubber-stamped” SCRA Affidavits while ignoring obvious …

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Changes and Updates to the SCRA from Bill H.R. 7939

To bring in the year of 2023, the President signed many Bills into effect on January 5th. One of these Bills being H.R. 7939, more commonly known as the “Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022”. This Bill partially …

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How Does the SCRA Help Child Abuse Victims?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act usually protects servicemembers. But in some cases, the SCRA helps child abuse victims find justice.

One of the lesser-known parts of the SCRA is that it puts a hold on the statute of limitations in …

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Is Verifying Military Service Required for Landlords?

Large organizations and institutions often know about verifying military service before pursuing court actions against clients. But many individuals who deal with servicemembers can face penalties for noncompliance with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as well. Landlords, in particular, need …

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