Can A Disabled Veteran Be Evicted?

Being a disabled veteran can put one in a vulnerable position, but can you get evicted if you fail to pay rent? This article talks about the housing rights of disabled veterans.

Can a disabled veteran be evicted

Understanding The Challenges Faced By Disabled Veterans

Before anything else, what does it mean to be a disabled veteran? Disability is a physical or mental condition that can restrict an individual’s capacity to partake in activities, mobility, or sensory experiences. Some veterans may have become disabled during their military service. Some of the most common disabilities among veterans include chronic back pain, breathing problems, severe hearing loss, loss of range of motion, and scar tissue.

Because of their disability, some disabled veterans may find it challenging to find jobs that pay rent. If they’re physically disabled, their condition may disqualify them from specific positions. If these veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder, they may not be in the proper condition to work in particular environments.

For example, David Purnell, a disabled Air Force veteran, found himself homeless and struggling to regain his property. Purnell didn’t pay his property taxes for three years. Meanwhile, Eric Strickland is a United States Army veteran with a heart condition. He was served with an eviction notice after failing to pay rent.

Fortunately, disabled veterans with an eviction case have some assistance. There are legislations and free legal services that they can take advantage of.

The Fair Housing Act (FHA)

This legislation aims to safeguard low-income families and veterans against housing discrimination. The FHA establishes legal provisions that prohibit discrimination based on an individual’s income, giving military personnel and their families better access to affordable and stable housing options. However, this law doesn’t cover military members dishonorably discharged from service.

Fair Housing Act protects veterans against housing discrimination

Reasonable Accommodations And Modifications For Disabled Veterans

If a disabled veteran needs immediate assistance following eviction proceedings, there are resources they can turn to for help. The National Call Center for Homeless Veterans is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Veterans may call 1-877-4AID VET or (877) 424-3838 to contact them.

Veterans can also talk to the Supportive Service for Veteran Families (SSVF) by using the same hotline. This office provides support services and case management to prevent homelessness.

The Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Disabled veterans can also get assistance of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA’s Home Loan Center offers valuable resources regarding the VA’s Partial Claim Payment program (VAPCP). The Home Loan Center can be contacted at (877) 827-3702. This program provides a temporary deferment of mortgage principal payments.

State-Specific Laws And Additional Protections Available

Depending on the state where the disabled veteran is, state laws provide additional protections to veterans so they can avoid eviction. For example, in according to Washington state legislation, individuals with a 100% service-connected disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs may be eligible for relief from particular property taxes.

Supportive Measures And Resources For Disabled Veterans

Non-Profit Organizations Providing Housing Assistance For Disabled Veterans

Various charities are dedicated to helping disabled veterans facing eviction cases. Disabled American Veterans help veterans nationwide obtain their rights and find jobs and support. Meanwhile, Home for Our Troops builds accessible homes for disabled veterans. Military Warriors Support Foundation offers housing assistance and transportation for disabled veterans.

Some of these organizations even offer health care assistance and the like. Some lawyers also offer to represent disabled veterans at the housing court for free.

Temporary Financial Assistance Programs

Various organizations offer temporary financial assistance to veterans. These organizations include the US Cares Emergency Assistance Program, Operation Family Fund, and Hope for the Warriors.

Counseling And Support Services For Veterans At Risk Of Eviction

Disabled veterans may contact 877-424-3838 to connect with the US Department of Veterans Affairs National Homeless Veteran Call Center. This hotline lets you talk with professional counselors who provide valuable assistance and local resources for homeless veterans and individuals at risk of homelessness.


Paying rent can be challenging for people with disabilities, like disabled veterans. Fortunately, there are resources they can turn to when served with a court order or when a landlord orders their eviction. Disabled veterans should understand their rights to avoid homelessness.

When facing an eviction case, you should seek all available resources and do what you can to avoid eviction. Fortunately, help is ready. For more details about military members’ rights and protection, visit Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service.


Can you evict someone in Virginia?

Veterans who fail to pay rent may be eligible for eviction. However, there are resources to help them avoid eviction.

What is the Virginia law on evicting tenants?

There are no VA laws specifically for evicted veterans. However, specific protections and resources may be available to veterans through organizations like the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and local agencies.

Can a disabled veteran be evicted in Texas?

Yes, especially if that veteran violates the stipulation of their contract. Landlords generally have the right to initiate eviction proceedings for legitimate reasons.

How do I evict a tenant without a lease in Virginia?

According to Virginia law, individuals without a lease and fail to fulfill rent obligations are considered ‘tenants of sufferance.’ Based on this legislature, landlords have the power to evict you for any reason.

Attorney Roy Kaufmann serves as the Director of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service, located in Washington, D.C. As a recognized authority on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, Mr. Kaufmann has published hundreds of articles and hosted many webinars. His teachings help law firms and businesses to remain compliant with the SCRA rules and regulations so as to avoid costly fines.